
About me

About me

My Safari Philosophy

A safari can be many things to many people.

It can be an education on ecosystems and the interrelationships of species.

It can be a spiritual pilgrimage; lying on your back at night gazing up into a sky so brilliant with stars that words are superfluous.

It can be about a connection; with family, nature, or most importantly with yourself.

But what I’ve learnt from hosting countless safaris with guests from all around the world, is that, above all else, it should be about fun.

Regardless if that means taking seven hours to track down a pride of lions, or playing Jenga under canvas while a tropical thunderstorm rages outside, the safari experience is there to be revelled in.

It is a journey that should be enjoyed, laughed through, and be so therapeutic to the soul that by the end of it you almost can’t bear the thought of returning home.

Rules should go out the window and the pace of things should be completely dictated by the environment and the natural processes contained therein.

Slow down. Look. Listen. Learn. Feel.

But most of all – enjoy!

James Tyrrell



Through the Lens: Who is James Tyrrell?

It is difficult to encapsulate my passion for Africa and its wild spaces in only a few paragraphs. But, to try, let us start at the beginning of my own life safari.

After receiving an honours degree in Zoology from the University of Stellenbosch, I trained as a guide at the world-famous Londolozi Private Game Reserve.

Here, on the banks of the Sand River, in the heart of the Sabi Sand Game Reserve within the Greater Kruger National Park, I spent over a decade honing my bushcraft by guiding guests full-time and earning national recognition in 2018 when I won South Africa’s prestigious Safari Guide of the Year competition.

As well as being Londolozi’s photographer-in-residence, I also oversaw Londolozi’s online media offering, heading up its content creation in both the photographic and video sphere – pioneering the industry’s virtual safari space during 2020,

This is truly where my passion for photography and storytelling were ignited, having amassed over 800 articles on the Londolozi Blog, along with a healthy portfolio of privately commissioned media to my credit.

Outside of guiding and hiding behind a lens, you can often find me quietly sipping a peaty whisky, strumming a soft melody around the campfire, regaling stories, and enjoying the bush as one should.


Come safari with me

The African safari experience is as diverse as the continent is broad.

From Namibia’s gravel plains to the impenetrable forests of Uganda to the wooded savannah of the leopard haven that is South Africa’s Sabi Sands, one of the most important aspects of safari travel is understanding the inextricable link between all these ecosystems.

Africa is alive with culture and stories, and it is the private guide that will weave the  continent into the most vivid tapestry for you. Allowing for continuity between destinations throughout your trip, a private guide will create an experience far richer and smoother than one you could have enjoyed on your own.

Having travelled broadly through the length and breadth of Southern and East Africa, I have come to understand the intricacies and secrets of a multitude of safari areas. As well as overseeing the minutiae of your travel, I will endeavour to provide a seamless flow from location to location, allowing for hassle-free travel from the moment you step off the ‘plane.

With well over a decade of experience in the African bush, I see myself as a true connoisseur of the fundamentals of a safari, and will without question, add an invaluable and utterly memorable layer to your trip.


Some of my favourite work

I have been privileged to capture some of Africa’s most sought after flora and fauna, from the Sabi Sands in South Africa, to Nxai Pan in Botswana, to the foothills of Kilimanjaro.


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